How to level up/down?

Level up:

  1. Consideration for promotion to the second level will take place from the selection wave to the next selection wave, or 1-2 months after receiving the role of Apprentice.

  2. Apprentices who are active in all activities from the project, friendly, positive, and reflecting all the values of Islamic Coin will be selected in the list of candidates for promotion.

  3. The Ambassador completes tasks for at least 80% of the monthly limit.

  4. Completion of all monthly individual tasks for Ambassadors.

Level down:

  1. All Ambassadors will be checked on a monthly basis, namely: their activity, friendliness, tasks, contributions, etc., and based on all this, if any Ambassador makes low-quality content, or behaves unfriendly, then he will be put up for a vote on exclusion from the Ambassador Program.

  2. Ambassador completes tasks for less than 50% of the monthly limit.

  3. Not completing all of the monthly individual tasks for the Ambassadors.

Last updated